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The reach of the DMCA would appear to stretch beyond merely the borders of countries complying with the WIPO agreement. A Russian company called Elcomsoft produced a program that translates Adobe eBooks to a more common PDF format, for use in a broader range of devices and for a broader range of purposes. The programmer who wrote it, Dmitri Sklyarov, planned to go to the US to speak at a conference. Adobe noticed his presence as a speaker and tipped off the FBI, and so Dmitri was arrested upon entrance to the US. After a large backlash, Adobe dropped charges, however the US prosecuting attorney pressed on charging Dmitri with violating the US DMCA laws despite being in Russia and not violating the Russian copyright laws[15]. Although Dmitri was freed in exchange for testimony against his employer, this act by the US has had a chilling effect on scientists and programmers. Many scientists and programmers are now wary about entering the US for fear of reprisal should the government dislike their research or other activities.

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Paul Ingemi 2004-10-25