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Clinton Administration

The key escrow does not end with the failure of Clipper, and is given new life under the October 1, 1996 Key Recovery Plan of the Clinton administration. The plan loosens cryptographic export restrictions present in the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR). According to ITAR, cryptography falls under Category XIII:

(1) Cryptographic (including key management) systems, equipment,assemblies, modules, integrated circuits, components or software with the capability of maintaining secrecy or confidentiality of information or information systems[8, Category XIII b1]
Against a backdrop of a strong computer industry demanding reforms to this law, President Clinton proposed reduced restrictions for those products that plan to include key escrow over a two year period, with non-escrow systems prohibited when the two years are up[9]. In other words, the Clinton administration ``favors strong cryptography, but not too strong.'' [10] These measures to reintroduce key escrow met the same response as Clipper and had the Clinton administration not relaxed restrictions on strong cryptography without escrow, the senate would have done it for them.

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Paul Ingemi 2004-10-25